TURBOCAM International
TURBOCAM Advances Sustainability With New Solar Array
BARRINGTON, NH — Construction has finished on a new 832-kilowatt (DC) solar array at TURBOCAM International’s Redemption Road location in Barrington, New Hampshire. The 1,870-panel array is being installed by Brentwood-based ReVision Energy, and is expected to generate more than 929,000 kilowatt-hours of clean renewable energy every year. Additionally, the panels will reduce solar gain on the roofs of the buildings, and air conditioning costs.
TURBOCAM is a global leader in innovative manufacturing solutions for high performance turbomachinery flow path components, serving customers in the aviation, space transport, automotive turbocharger, power generation, and industrial gas compression markets.
“Turbocam has always been involved in the most energy efficient engines and applications,” says Marian Noronha, TURBOCAM’s President. “Our buildings in Barrington, New Hampshire and Goa, India are efficient by design. As low energy technologies are implemented, we are leading the way in integrating them ourselves.”
ReVision Energy and Turbocam are available for interviews and comments.